Experience Recovering Millions For Personal Injury Victims
Any significant injury is life-changing. When people are seriously injured because of someone’s negligent or careless conduct, it is important that they are afforded the opportunity and resources to recover as best they can.
Our firm provides experienced and caring personal injury representation. Having recovered tens of millions of dollars for injured clients and their loved ones, there is no case for which we at JSB Attorneys PLLC, are not prepared. With decades of combined experience, including experience as defense lawyers, we have comprehensive knowledge of personal injury law.
Based in Fort Mitchell, we handle cases throughout Northern Kentucky involving:
- Traffic accidents
- Premises liability
- Slip-and-fall accidents
- Wrongful death
- Medical malpractice
- Product liability
Additionally, we help injured workers pursue benefits through workers’ compensation.
What To Expect
After an accident, legal questions can multiply quickly. We will take the time to answer all of your questions in a clear and timely manner.
Our attorneys aggressively investigate cases, prepare all evidence and move toward conclusion in the most productive and cost-effective manner. We will take care of past, present and future needs, including medical care, lost wages and life-care plans. We will demonstrate and document future lost wages to ensure full compensation. Additionally, we will take care to thoroughly document your pain and suffering.
Schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your legal options. Call 859-578-5410 or email the firm. We handle personal injury matters on a contingency fee basis.
Ready To Get Started?
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